Hello, I am the main author of this lovely blog...I wanted to let you all know that I have created a lovely new blog called Retro Cookbook Recipes
It is an awesome why of trying out vintage recipes from cookbooks, handwritten recipes, etc.
It is also a nice way to be more interactive with my followers! You can participate too!
No recipes are unlimited, ALL WELCOMED! Yes, thats right...the weird recipes that does not seem to go together, the gross ones that sound so horrible, the lovely ones that seem so interesting to test out, and the delicious ones that look so yummy in the photos! All! Desserts, Jell-O, dinner, appetizers, drinks, lunch everything!
I also post my own recipes that, or recipes that have been in my family.
If you want to participate in this, you can send scans of the original recipe to Retrorecipedelight@gmail.com.
Once I have gotten your recipes I will try them out and post them on the blog with detailed pictures, and give you the verdict!!
Hope you will follow the new blog and/or participate! Let the cooking begin!
Retro Cookbook Recipes
Blog Author